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Winrar is dead : Windows 11 Embraces Expanded Archive Support


In an exciting development for Windows users, the upcoming release of Windows 11 is set to include native support for popular archive formats such as 7-Zip, RAR, and GZ. This enhancement promises to streamline file management, reduce the need for third-party software, and enhance user convenience. With Windows 11's expanded archive support, users can expect a more seamless experience when handling compressed files, empowering them to effortlessly extract and compress data with just a few clicks.

Native Support for 7-Zip:

One of the standout features of Windows 11 is its native support for the 7-Zip format. 7-Zip is widely regarded as a highly efficient and versatile compression algorithm, known for its ability to compress files into smaller sizes without compromising quality. With Windows 11 embracing 7-Zip, users can directly work with 7z archives without the need to install additional software. This built-in functionality enables users to extract and create 7-Zip archives with ease, making file sharing and storage more convenient than ever.

RAR Integration for Enhanced Flexibility:

Another notable addition to Windows 11's archive support is the inclusion of native compatibility with the RAR format. RAR is a popular compression format, often utilized to compress large files and folders. With Windows 11's RAR integration, users will have the ability to extract files from RAR archives directly from the File Explorer, simplifying the process and eliminating the requirement for dedicated extraction tools. This seamless integration marks a significant step forward in enhancing file management capabilities within the Windows operating system.

GZ Format Made Accessible:

Windows 11 also brings native support for the GZ (Gzip) format, a widely used file compression format in Unix-based systems. With this inclusion, Windows users can effortlessly work with GZ archives without relying on third-party applications. The ability to extract and compress GZ files directly from the Windows File Explorer enhances cross-platform compatibility and ensures a smoother experience for users who frequently encounter Gzip-compressed files.

Benefits and Impact:

The addition of native support for 7-Zip, RAR, and GZ archives in Windows 11 has several significant advantages for users. Firstly, it eliminates the need to install separate software to handle these file formats, reducing the clutter of additional applications on one's system. Secondly, it simplifies the process of extracting and compressing files, offering a more intuitive and streamlined user experience. Lastly, by supporting widely used compression formats like 7-Zip, RAR, and GZ, Windows 11 improves interoperability and compatibility with files shared across different platforms.


Windows 11's embrace of native support for 7-Zip, RAR, and GZ formats brings a host of benefits to Windows users. This upcoming update promises to enhance file management capabilities, reduce reliance on third-party software, and provide a more seamless experience when working with compressed files. With the added convenience and simplicity of handling 7-Zip, RAR, and GZ archives directly within the Windows operating system, Windows 11 marks a significant step forward in improving the overall user experience and productivity.

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